Our Story

All4Peace is a project led by KulturGiesserei Saarburg (DE), the “Maison Citoyenne” in Mamer (LU) and the “World Centre for Peace” in Verdun (FR) aiming to cultivate peace within our societies and to sensitise citizens to what it means to stand up for peace at the transnational level. Each consortium member forms a focal point in the project with a particular focus in order to carry the joint message as far as possible into the Schengen area and beyond.


Kulturgießerei Saarburg

The Kulturgießerei Saarburg brings together people of all ages and from all over the world. It offers a vast array of activities and projects, fostering social cohesion and intercultural exchange. Its sponsor, the “Local Alliance for Families”, sees itself as a central point of contact for all aspects concerning families and an intermediary service provider between families and municipal and economic structures. Museum visitors and visitors have the opportunity to join the social work of the cultural space.

Maison Citoyenne Mamer

The Maison Citoyenne in the municipality of Mamer promotes the active participation of all citizens and the values of inclusion and equality in the community. It creates and supports spaces for public interaction on topics such as equality, inclusion and the prevention of discrimination. It further supports citizens’ access to social services and their rights in general.

World Centre for Peace - Verdun

Defined as a privileged place of exchange and meeting, the World Centre for Peace organises multiple events on the theme of peace, freedoms and human rights, which constantly invite reflection on these issues: colloquia and conferences on international issues, exhibitions, cultural events, international peace meetings, etc.

Our Projects

Joint Projects & Initiatives


Bells4Peace is a wide-ranging social project with the overarching theme of peace, originating from the idea of casting a bell from war scrap. The project developed around the symbol of the bell building bridges between people and bringing together the margins of society. Bells4Peace aims to draw attention in all its dimensions to the importance of turning away from radicalism and polarising tendencies in society. In doing so, the project specifically addresses a wide range of social actors and works on the cultural and educational levels to promote tolerance and international understanding nationally and internationally.